“Read Thread" is a tops brand launched by Hisami Taniguchi based in Kyoto, Japan.
She goes importance to the idea of "sewing each stitch carefully as if reading a thread, and choosing the flow of lines and colors cautiously”.
This attitude is deeply rooted in the vivid and warm scenery of her grandmother's yarn store which she saw during her childhood.
In recent years, she has been expanding her range of expression through collaborations, especially on T-shirts, combining casualness with techniques of creating art.
She also views the T-shirt as a canvas or sculpture, and is trying to make art more accessible while challenging the lofty art world.
Her approach like connecting Art and popular culture through the medium of T-shirts, and questioning the values within consumer culture is very neat and prudence.
「Read Thread」は、京都を拠点に活動する谷口富美が立ち上げたトップスブランドです。
Hisami Taniguchi : Mixed Media Artist
Hisami Taniguchi was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. She earned B.A degree in Department of Fine Art and was qualified to be a museum curator from Kyoto Seika University. After graduated the University, She stayed in New York such as a mixed media artist. she didn’t only participate several group exhibitions but also awarded by “NY Audience-Award” from ISE Cultural Foundation and “The 16th Anniversary from Grand Harvest Emerging Artists Award” from WAH Center. Moreover, She had the first solo exhibition “In/Out” in the RESO BOX Gallery in NY. She has been running unisex tops brand “Read Thread” after came back to Kyoto, and had a pop up store in Hedgehog Books & Gallery, VOU KYOTO, Hankyu Umeda Main Store, and so on.
京都生まれ。京都精華大学の立体造形を卒業後、ニューヨークを拠点に作家活動を開始。「日米美術学生展 in NY 2010」で「ニューヨーク市民賞」、WAH Centerで「The 16th Anniversary from Grand Harvest Emerging Artists Award」を受賞。2013年にはRESO BOX Galleryで初個展を開催する。
2015年より拠点を京都に移し「Read Thread」を立ち上げ、Hedgehog Books & Gallery、VOU Kyoto、阪急うめだ本店等でpop up shopを展開している。